Friday, May 19, 2017

Great Ways to Stay Focused At Work from Klamath Falls Staffing Services

Let’s face it now, we have many distractions in our everyday lives from social media, music, phone calls, texts, and even silly things like cleaning that we try to make more important than our priorities. It is the same way at work. We really need to pay more attention at our jobs in Klamath Falls, OR, or we will have to begin a new job search very soon. Express Employment Professionals has a few great ideas to help keep you a little more focused at work.

Having Plenty of Water

Our bodies are mainly made up of water, and we thrive on it. Water can give you more energy to do your job, wake you up, or quench your thirst. If you feel hungry, your body could be telling you that you need to drink more water. Have a bottle of water close at hand on your desk to avoid getting up and clocking out when unnecessary. You will find out that it will save you time instead of getting up every half hour to get something to drink or to get some food. This can also be used as an unnecessary excuse to get up from your desk and away from your work which could result in another Klamath Falls job search over time.

Prioritize Tasks

We like to do the easy things first, but then we procrastinate on doing the more difficult tasks. Make a list of things you need to get done that day for your jobs or client. Start with the harder or more important tasks that may take longer to complete. We tend to be a little more productive when we first arrive at work. This will ensure that you have met your deadline by the end of the day but also gives you a goal or time limit in which to accomplish the task. Leave the smaller tasks that can be done quickly for the end of the day when you will be ready to head home and get away from the office.

Phones and Instant Messaging

Our phones are most likely our biggest distractions at work. We think that we should check our phone every few minutes just in case someone has texted us, or we might miss something on social media. Truth is, we don’t need to check it all the time. When at work, put the phone away, turn it off, or leave it on silent or vibrate. If there is an emergency, your family and friends will call you or give them the office number to call you at. Now with instant messaging at work, you may want to have your settings on busy or invisible. If you have a lot of work to get done that day for your Klamath Falls jobs, it is a great way to show your coworkers to only message you if it is something urgent that cannot be waited on or emailed. You will get more work accomplished this way and avoid the chatter on the instant message.

These are some great tips on staying focused with our careers and helping your business get more accomplished.  You will find that you will be more motivated. You may enjoy your job more, grow in your work, or change your mind on a job search in Klamath Falls, OR, for jobs hiring. Don’t fall for the silly distractions anymore!

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 238-5681

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