Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An Employment Center in Klamath Falls Says How to Increase Productivity

There are only so many hours in each workday, so you should try to be as productive as possible while working to make the most of the time you have. Use these tips to help yourself be more productive for jobs near me in Klamath Falls, OR.

Track Your Time

While you’re working, it is recommended that you track the amount of time you’re spending on tasks. This can help you realize which tasks you may be spending too much time on so that you can limit how much time you’re spending on a task. For example, if a simple task is taking you an hour or more to complete, you should limit the amount of time you spend on that task so that you have more time to work on the most important tasks. Apps such as Rescue Time can track how much time you’re spending on certain apps, or you can track the time you spend on tasks by hand. An employment center in Klamath Falls says that this is one of the best ways to increase productivity.

Take Breaks

Taking scheduled breaks can easily help you improve your concentration and increase your productivity. Research has shown that taking a short break during a long task can help you maintain focus and finish the task faster than you normally would have. Taking breaks after every 90 minutes of work is generally recommended, even if the breaks are short.

Set Deadlines

Setting deadlines for projects or tasks can help you focus and can increase your productivity. Even though deadlines can be stressful, self-imposed deadlines have proved to be enough motivation for you to finish your work in a timely manner. When setting deadlines, you should make sure that they are achievable so that you don’t have too much stress. Also, remember that if you create deadlines yourself, then they aren’t actual deadlines and don’t need to be completed exactly on time.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.   

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Monday, November 25, 2019

4 Tips on How to Reduce Holiday Stress from An Employment Center in Klamath Falls

The holidays not only bring cheer, but they also bring stress. Many businesses have their busiest time during the holidays, which can have an impact on employees with deadlines and personal responsibilities. For employers, they are stressed as well with finding employees to hire in Klamath Falls, OR, to help with the excess projects. Here are some tips that will help with holiday stress in the workplace.

1. Be lenient on time clock hours.

Allow your employees to come into the office one hour later for just one morning a week during the holidays. They will get a small break in their routine and will see you more positively. Also, they will feel more refreshed getting some extra time to sleep or get errands completed.

2. Be a helping hand to your colleagues.

If you notice some employees are falling slightly behind, offer a lending hand. They could be stressed trying to meet a deadline while also trying to get done early to finish their holiday errands.

3. Still have fun during the holidays.

It’s important to still have fun even with more work to do. Have an office competition on who or which team can create the funniest holiday story. Adding in a little bit of fun can help bring laughter to the office, which can reduce stress.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Water is a stress reducer and helps with weight loss. Many office employees choose to drink lattes, soda, or eggnog during the holidays, especially. An employment agency in Klamath Falls suggests bringing up a challenge for employees to drink water instead of sweet drinks. Whatever money they have that they would’ve spent on sugary drinks will go to charity instead. Have a list of charities in the area for your employees to pick out together as an office to donate to.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Employment Center in Klamath Falls, OR Shares Helpful Job Search Rejection Tips

Going from interview to interview is tiring, but when you get rejected over and over, it can become even more tiring. A key factor in getting through this is to stay positive and follow these job search rejection tips from a provider of jobs near me in Klamath Falls.

Positive Attitude

Keeping a positive attitude is the number one tip for dealing with job rejection. Keep smiling and work through each rejection. Use it as a new learning opportunity. Stay focused on your goal and what you need to do to reach that goal.

Have Options

You don’t need to get your hopes up thinking that you’ll land the job that you want the most. You need to have multiple options and send your resume to several employers. You may not get your number one choice, so having more options will increase your chances of landing a job.

Avoid the Past

Stop trying to live in the past. If you get rejected from one company, move on. You need to focus on your future and not your rejection. Think about your successes and expectations that you have met before. Focusing on these things will help you move forward and move on to bigger and better things.


Remember your strengths instead of your weaknesses. Yes, it’s easier to think about the rejection and beat yourself up over it. The employment center in Klamath Falls, OR, explains that thinking about what you’re best at will encourage and motivate you to continue your job search.

Not Alone

You are not the only one who has been through this or who is currently in this. Many people are denied job positions each day. Once you can accept this, you can shift your focus to the next job opportunity.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Friday, September 27, 2019

An Employment Center in Klamath Falls Shares 3 Tips for Mastering Your Time Management Skills

How is it that it’s already the end of the workday, but you haven’t completed all your daily tasks? You may have been interrupted by colleagues or didn’t realize that you were getting distracted. You may have stared a tedious task during the slump of the day. Employers look for employees who have excellent time management skills to fill jobs hiring in Klamath Falls. If you want to advance in your career but you’re lacking in time management, here are some tips to help you improve.

1. How are you spending your time?

If you aren’t currently tracking how you spend your time, you should start immediately. Create a time log sheet to keep track of the tasks you are working on from the time you start to the time you finish. The time log sheet will help you find out how much work you can get completed daily, wasted time, and the tasks that get the best turn around. Once you do this, you will find out where all your time is going and what you need to do to fix it.

2. Do you have a schedule?

A to-do list can make a difference in your time management and will help you not be all over the place with your tasks. You can focus on those tasks for the day and have a reasonable goal to meet. If you complete all your tasks, you can then start working on other tasks or catch up on some work that is behind.

3. Have you prioritized your tasks?

One of the key aspects of time management is prioritization. You should evaluate each task on your to-do list of what is the most urgent and what doesn’t need to be completed immediately. You can break down tasks further, though. You can have your list of important tasks broken up into 2 sections. Tasks that are urgent and important, and tasks that are not urgent but important. You can then break up the unimportant tasks into 2 sections. Tasks that are urgent and not important, and tasks that are not urgent nor important.

The employment center in Klamath Falls explains that once you have successfully gotten better at time management, you will see a major improvement in your overall productivity.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Employment Center in Klamath Falls, OR Gives 5 Benefits to Look for in a Job

If you’ve been looking for jobs hiring in Klamath Falls, don’t only focus on the salary. You should find out the benefits that are offered when you interview with the company. Yes, salary is important, but PTO, health insurance, and a 401K are important too. You’ll also want to watch for advancement opportunities and career satisfaction. Let’s go over the 5 benefits you need to look for in a job.

1. Vacation and Holiday Time

Usually, you will be allowed 2 weeks of paid vacation when starting. You’ll want to ask how the company gives vacation time. Some companies let you earn or accrue vacation time over the year or each quarter. You want to be careful with this because if you use all your vacation and don’t stay for the whole year, you may have to pay the company back.

Many companies give 6 paid holidays each year, and some companies give 10 or more. Smaller companies will usually observe holidays when people will take off for that holiday anyway.

2. 401K Plans

Now is the time to start saving for your retirement. A lot of employers offer 401K plans to their full-time employees and will usually match the percentage that you put in. The employment center in Klamath Falls, OR explains that you are getting free money, so why shouldn’t you do it? You’ll also get tax benefits for it.

3. Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance

Some employers offer disability insurance plans if their employees experience an injury or illness that doesn’t allow them to work. You may have to pay an insurance premium that will be low, or the employer may pay it. The disability insurance covers the cost of your illness or injury and makes sure that you still get paid some sort of salary.

4. Health Insurance

Larger companies will offer their employees health insurance plans. Always double-check to make sure it’s not a catastrophic coverage with a large deductible or accidental coverage. You may still have to pay part of the premium which will normally pull out of your paycheck. It’s still a lot cheaper than if you went and got insurance on your own.

5. Flexibility

More employers are deciding to allow their employees to have more flexible working schedules. They can work a few days a week, work around school schedules, or work remotely. These types of working options are great for people with smaller children or the people who want to avoid the traffic to get to Klamath Falls jobs.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Klamath Falls Staffing Shares Hot Jobs for the 3rd Quarter of 2019

Express Employment Professionals does a survey every quarter to find out hiring trends over many different fields of work. Here are the results to the survey, so you can know what fields are ready to hire in Klamath Falls, OR.

Better Half of 2019

There’s a forty-six percent of upward trends in the employment markets. Ten percent are expected to go down. Ninety-seven percent of responders of the survey said that they are not living in an area that is going through any recession. In the next couple of years, there are some signs of caution.
The top fields that have jobs hiring are General Labor/Industrial at 46%, Accounting/Finance at 9%, Skilled Labor/Industrial at 32%, Healthcare at 6%, and Administrative/Office Clerical at 20%.


The more important question is whether people think that the country is going into another recession or not. Ninety-five percent said yes to a recession in the next 3-6 months. Seventy-six percent said no within 6 months-1year. Fifty-three percent said no within 2 years.


If a company wants a skilled job candidate, compensation is the main thing to focus on. Skilled candidates hold the cards right now since companies have a hard time finding employees or have the right experience. Seventy-six percent of employers admit that it’s become somewhat or very difficult to fill their job openings. One of the ways candidates will accept a position is compensation since wages may increase in the next 3 months.

If you’re expecting a wage increase, the wages will be based on performance, cost of living, and both.

Benefits, Advancement, Etc.

To be able to hire a skilled employee, companies must go further than competitive pay, flexibility, work environments, and training and development. Candidates know that they can have more selection on jobs they choose because they’ll have great pay anywhere they work.

So, what are the main reasons people refuse a job offer? Klamath Falls staffing shares that the reasons are inflexible schedule at 9%, lack of benefits at 12%, lack of advancement and opportunity at 13%, not the perfect fit at 25%, and low pay at 28%.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Provider of Staffing in Klamath Falls, OR Answers the Question “Am I Too Old to Shift Careers?”

When you're younger and just starting out, there is something comforting about having a predictable schedule. You wake up, get ready for work, you give your employer 100%, and then you come home. What happens if you wake up years down the road and find yourself suddenly discontent with your "normal"? For example, you started out in one department but now find yourself realizing you'd be in a different one or even a completely different industry!

If you're afraid you are too far along in your life to make a career change, unless you’re working in a physical-focused work environment, it may not be too late for new jobs hiring in Klamath Falls.

What Experience Do You Have and How Does It Translate?

The first thing you need to do if you're interested in making a significant career change is seeing what skills and experience you have that will translate over into this new field of work. By taking stock of the things you've learned and achieved over the years, you might find you already have some of the skills you need in order to thrive in this new industry.

Who’s in Your Network?

Networking goes a long way. Do you know or have anyone in your circle that might be able to provide you with entering this new field? If you don't, you may want to consider attending local networking events and putting yourself out there. One of the things you're more likely to have in your advantage is overall experience, confidence, and networking with the right circles. These reasons can make a difference when it comes down to getting hired.

Patience and Positivity

Having patience and positivity is probably going to be the hardest part of this process. You’re going to get knocked down a few times, and the struggle will have you doubting your abilities. The provider of staffing in Klamath Falls, OR shares that you can’t let that stop you from trying.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Klamath Falls Staffing Agency Shares Why You Keep Getting Interviews but Never the Job

You've been working on finding a job for a while now. You've updated your resume, you've been applying to multiple jobs hiring in Klamath Falls on a regular basis, and you're getting callbacks for interviews, but that's where it all ends. If you find yourself getting called in for interviews but never hearing back, it might be time to take a step back. It's unlikely this is coincidental. To keep yourself from repeating the same mistakes over and over, let's go over some of the possible reasons you're struggling to blow your interviewer away.

You’re Not Providing the Right Answers to Their Questions

Every job and company are different, but the interview questions are likely not going to vary that much, especially if you're looking for work in a specific field. Since it's rare to receive criticism from your interviewer, there's no easy way to pinpoint your problem areas. Getting some advice from a Klamath Falls staffing agency or doing some research may help you figure out where you're going wrong and how to put together better responses to your future interviewers’ questions.

You’re Uncomfortable and It Shows

The entire interview process is often an uncomfortable one. You meet with a stranger and given a limited amount of time to convince this unknown person that hiring you is the solution to their job vacancy problem. Chances are that they're a little nervous too since you're likely one of many people they'll interview that day. So, if you know you tend to be more anxious than your average person, you might want to look back at some of your mannerisms. If you find you start to fidget under pressure, try practicing for your interview beforehand. If you have a general idea of how you'd like the conversation to go, it may help you feel more confident.

You Were A Wild Card Pick

Sometimes, something on your resume will stand out to a potential employer that they never considered could be beneficial to their business, which can work against you if you're deemed unable to fulfill the tasks assigned to this position. However, unique skill sets can work to your advantage. You can prove that these skills can translate over to this position. If the business doesn't mind additional training, your skill set might be the bump you need to land that job.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment. 

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR 
104 N 11th St 
Klamath Falls, OR 97601 
(541) 273-5000 

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Klamath Falls Staffing Provider Talks about When Your Dream Job Turns Out to be a Nightmare

You performed the necessary research, you aced your interview, and the job itself meets all the requirements you wanted out of your next employment opportunity. Great benefits, maybe you're very own parking space, and it's not too far from home, so the commute is short. What could possibly go wrong?

It might be a clash of personalities between yourself and your new boss or even your new coworkers. You walk into this position only to inherit a mountain of overdue assignments left behind by your predecessor. Either way, you feel as if you’ve made a mistake and can’t see how you could possibly continue working this way. If this sounds like something relevant to you, ask yourself a few of these questions and then decide if things are bad enough to leave your new job for other jobs hiring in Klamath Falls.

Is the Issue Amendable?

This should be the very first question you ask yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotional aspect of a problem, but if you can find a way to solve it, you might find that you are capable of making this job work for you.

Is Transferring to Another Department Available?
This is a good question to ask yourself if the problems you’re facing are specific to the company itself, the type of position you’re in, the other employees in your current department, or even your immediate supervisor. If a company values its employees and you’ve proven that you’ve put your best foot forward to make this job work for you, they should be willing to find another position in their company that would be better for you explains the Klamath Falls staffing provider.

Is the Problem So Serious, You Can’t Stick It Out?
If the problems you’re experiencing are negatively affecting your health, then it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to postpone leaving. If there are benefits to staying like the promise of moving up in the company after some time or just being able to add some very relevant experience to your resume, then it’s probably a good idea to try and stick it out for your own sake.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment. 

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR 
104 N 11th St 
Klamath Falls, OR 97601 
(541) 273-5000 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Provider of Staffing in Klamath Falls Gives 5 Ways to Make Sure Your Candidates Have a Positive Experience

As a job seeker, you are expected to come to your interview with your best foot forward ready to impress your potential employers. As an employer, do you put in the same amount of effort? It's just as important for the interviewer to impress the candidate as well as provide the best-interviewing experience possible with jobs hiring in Klamath Falls, OR. There are multitudes of ways to do this from highlighting employee benefits, great wages, and stellar company culture. 

1. Clear and Honest Job Posts

When putting together a job post to promote an opening at your business, make sure you provide enough details about the job so that those who come across it can determine if they are qualified and feel that this is the kind of opportunity they would want to pursue.

2. Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Based off a study by State of the Candidate Experience (CareerArc), as many as 60% of job seekers don’t feel that there was proper communication between the companies they’re applying for and the actual applicants. Communication is key in any setting and a lack of communication between employers and prospects will negatively impact both parties.

3. Make Sure to Explain Your Hiring Process

When a prospect begins your company's hiring process, it's imperative that you be as clear as possible about what they should expect. Give them an idea as to how their interview will be formatted, what to expect regarding post-interview communications, and so on.

4. Always Provide Feedback

Some of the best ways to encourage growth, whether the prospect is viable or not, is to offer feedback, shares the provider of staffing in Klamath Falls. They may not have been chosen but letting them know what they did right or what they could improve on may help them successfully land the next opportunity that comes their way.

5. Always Ask for Feedback

Just as you should give feedback, you should also ask for it. When you do hire in Klamath Falls, take the time to ask what your new hire thought of your hiring process. What were the things they thought worked? What were the things they thought didn't? This feedback will allow you to revisit areas that may need to be tweaked in your hiring process so that future applicants will have an easier and more positive experience.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

One of the Top Klamath Falls Staffing Companies Ask Is It Time to Call it Quits with Your Job?

Why do people who are discontent with their current employment stay at jobs they know they hate? The answer is money and time. People need the funds that come in from these jobs they're unhappy with and afterward, don't generally want to put in the time required to find a new and better job. Especially if this unhappy worker has a family or other additional responsibility that would make taking on a job search that much more harrowing.

If you find yourself becoming disinterested with your job, or even worse, actively disinterested, it might be time to reconsider making the time to find jobs hiring in Klamath Falls, OR. Here are a few examples of the kinds of behaviors and mindsets desperately unhappy employees have.

Bitter Feelings Towards Your Employer

We aren't referring to the kind of negative feelings that are personal or due to something like wanting more money or a promotion. What we're referring to is when a bunch of smaller work-related issues that never get resolved start pile up creating a feeling of resentment for not taking the necessary steps to resolve it.

When Small Problems Feel Like They Have Serious Consequences

Things tend to get personal when you aren't happy at work. Tensions are already high and instead of calmly seeking solutions to the issues that arise in your day to day work, your first instinct is negativity and feelings of hopelessness.

It's understandable that when things have been difficult at work that you would be less likely to tackle upcoming issues, but it ultimately helps no one involved. More importantly, the longer resentful feelings build up, the more likely you won't be able to prevent them from seeping into your interactions with your boss and coworkers and into your work.

You’ve Stopped Caring

If none of the above is a good enough reason to quit, no longer caring about your job should be the final nail in the coffin. By no longer caring about your work, you are now in a position where there is no possible way for you to advance. There will be no promotions, raises, or praises. The only thing you'll receive is your standard check with each pay period, and that shouldn't be enough. Now may be a time to see about becoming a new hire with a better company explains Klamath Falls staffing companies.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a Full-Service Staffing Agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000

Thursday, January 31, 2019

One of the Leading Staffing Companies in Klamath Falls, OR Tells Leadership Essentials

If you’re excited about that promotion but don’t know where to begin as a new leader, you can begin by applying the qualities of a good leader. If you keep these 5 qualities in mind, you are sure to hire in Klamath Falls some happy team members to be by your side.

Good leaders are organized. Organizing keeps minimal chaos in the workplace. Even if a disaster were to strike, organized leaders can keep a level head because of the preparation and organized system they use in that situation. Being organized also shows employers you're worthy of a promotion.

Good leaders are trustworthy. Good leaders are trustworthy. Being trustworthy means telling the truth and being open, but that isn’t the only thing that makes someone trustworthy. Being trustworthy also means doing what you said you would do. To earn people’s trust, you want to show them you are capable of helping them without holding them back. You want to show them you want their trust. Having people's trust means others are willing to stand behind you. Trust is an excellent trait for a leader.

Good leaders are confident. They are not only confident in themselves but also in their team members. Good leaders are confident that they can complete the task at hand and complete it well. They don’t micromanage or constantly hound their team members about tasks. They check up on their team members every now and then and ensure that they are doing well explains one of the staffing companies in Klamath Falls, OR.

Good leaders are communicative. They communicate their concerns, thoughts, or ideas to their team members. They keep themselves open and approachable to their team members and always use honesty. Good leaders also keep good communication by keeping peace in the workplace.

Good leaders are appreciative. They appreciate their team members and their clients. Some leaders appreciate their team members, but they don’t show it. Vocalizing your appreciation or acting upon it will show team members how much you appreciate them.

Express Employment Professionals in Klamath Falls, OR is a full-service staffing agency that continually exceeds expectations by providing services to companies in our community while also helping job seekers find employment.

Express Employment Professionals of Klamath Falls, OR
104 N 11th St
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
(541) 273-5000